HWK Library & Online Catalogue

How to use the HWK Library & Online Catalogue

Signatures/'Call Numbers'
all General reading, encyclopedic works
asl Language
pol Political sciences
sow Social sciences
vwl Political economy
jur Jurisprudence, law
ku Arts
phi Philosophy
geo Geological sciences
psy Cognitive sciences
hwk Materials science
energ Energy research
bio Biology
inf Computer science
gesch History

You do not have to log in to search for publications/books.

Please enter your search term (e.g. an author, book title, or just a single key word) into the search window at the top of the page and click "Go". A list of results will appear below. To find out more about a book (e.g. its call number, which for technical reasons in our database is listed as the copy number), just click on the item. You can also electronically browse the shelves (by using the repurposed call number) to find related books in the same section of the library.

Please note that the catalogue is still under construction - i.e. if you do not find a book in the electronic library, this does not necessarily mean that the book is not available. Also, since the lending is based on an analogue system (see below), all items will appear as "item available for loan" even though somebody else may have borrowed it.

If you want to make a list of books to borrow, or of a series of works you think should be available to other Fellows, please do log in using the Fellow account:

Username: fellow

You will find the Password in the Fellow handbook.

Borrowing and ordering books

If you would like to borrow a book and take it to your apartment, please take it from the shelf and put one of the white plastic placeholders with your information into the gap. Each placeholder has a transparent plastic pocket in which you should put one of the small forms provided on which you indicate the author, title, and your name and the date so that another Fellow who might need the book urgently could contact you. Please return the book to the same place after finishing your work.

If you are looking for a book and cannot find it on the shelves, please contact either Bijan Kafi or Christina Thiel who are responsible for the library. If the book does not exist in the HWK library and you believe that it would be useful also for other Fellows, the HWK can purchase a limited amount of books. Please contact either the research manager responsible for your Fellowship or Bijan Kafi to submit suggestions.


Interlibrary loan

If you cannot find a specific book in the HWK library, but it would not be useful for the HWK to purchase that publication, please get in touch with Christina Thiel to initiate an interlibrary loan. Please provide correct author names, titles, and publisher information to make the ordering process easier.

Within a few days, most books are available through the libraries at Bremen, Oldenburg or other places in Germany. The loan period is four weeks and can be extended (also repeatedly) unless the library has blocked a book (e.g. if it was ordered by other users). Alternatively, if you know that the book is available either in the library of Bremen University or the University of Oldenburg, borrowing it directly from them might also be an alternative. Please read the section on "Working at your host institution" for more information on the university libraries.

(published on 06/02/2015)

Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Website

Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK)
Institute for Advanced Study

(published on 06/02/2015)

Quote of the Day

People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook. ~ Richard Nixon

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